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KS3 Drama

Year 7 Units

Term 1

J & C

Introduces skills & techniques via a unit based on bullying & friendship.

Assessment: Group work.

Term 2


Students perform scenes from ‘Macbeth’ and then devise an original version of Act 1 1sc 1.

Assessment: Communication.

Term 3


Drama based on photographs of children being evacuated during WW2.

Assessment: Strategies.

Term 4


Classwork in small groups devising Drama work based on given stimulus or live theatre seen.

Assessment: Group work and communication.

Term 5

Folk Tale

Students create Drama based on African Myths. Link with music.

Assessment: Group work and strategies.

Term 6

Private Peaceful

Unit based on Michael Morpurgo’s play - exploring, in particular, the characters and themes.

Assessment: Group work, communication and strategies.

Year 7 Key Vocabulary List

Year 8 Units

Term 1


Devise a short film. In Music they compose a soundtrack for this.

Assessment: Responding.

Term 2

Romeo & Juliet

Perform scenes from ‘R & J’ and devise original version of key scenes.

Assessment: Creativity.

Term 3


Work based on a news broadcast - using Reportage as a Dramatic Technique.

Assessment: Independence

Term 4


Classwork in small groups devising Drama work based on given stimulus or live theatre seen.

Assessment: Responding and creativity.

Term 5

Silent Movie

Create group work based on stimulus.

Assessment: Creativity and Independence.

Term 6

Scripted Performance

In small groups, students create a piece of scripted work based on published material.

Assessment: Responding, creativity and independence.

Year 8 Key Vocabulary List

Year 9 Units

Term 1

Building a Character

Creating character and writing a monologue.

Assessment: Drama mediums.

Term 2

Scripted Performance

Perform scenes from ‘R & J’ and devise original version of key scenes.

Assessment: Drama elements.

Term 3


Create and evaluate work based on given stimulus.

Assessment: Written task.

Term 4


Following a workshop from a Stage Combat practitioner, students create and perform routines.

Assessment: Drama mediums and elements.

Term 5


Perform key scenes from Shakespeare text looking at character and plot.

Assessment: Drama elements and written.

Term 6

Documentary Drama

Create and evaluate documentary and verbatim work using a range of practitioners and styles.

Assessment: Drama mediums, elements and written.

Year 9 Key Vocabulary List