Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is our first priority at Chew Valley School. Unless students feel happy and safe, they are unlikely to make the most of the curriculum and opportunities at the school.
The Pastoral System
Every student has a tutor who will usually follow their group through the compulsory years of school. Tutors work in a team under the direction of a Head of House. The whole pastoral system is organised and directed by the Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for students and inclusion (Miss Kenyon). Any concerns about academic progress or personal wellbeing can be addressed to either the tutor or the Head of House and will be followed up with appropriate support.
How to Access Support at Chew Valley School
You can email Heads of House using the following links:
Heads of Rodney
Mr J Blann & Ms S Hayes
Head of Moreton
Miss A Moreton
Heads of Bilbie
Mrs C Clement & Ms E Smith
Head of Hauteville
Mr D Van Grudgings
Director of Sixth Form
Dr H John
Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator
Mandy Clarke
Assistant Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr B Stirling-Turner
Pastoral Support & Safeguarding Officer Mrs J Tantrum email:
Bullying is a rare event at Chew Valley and is never allowed to become a serious issue because we take every case of bullying seriously. But we can only act if we know there is a problem and so it is important that students tell their tutor or Head of House if they are having a problem. This applies in school and to transport to and from school. In the internet age one of the main causes of unhappiness can be unkind comments on social networking sites. When upsets of this sort occur we will intervene to support parents and students. Again, please let us know.
Because teachers are usually in classrooms during the school day and can be difficult to get hold of, non-teaching staff are available at the end of the phone throughout the day. Any concern about students can be reported to these staff and they will ensure that the appropriate member of staff is informed at the earliest opportunity. Students worried about another student can report this via their tutor, Head of House or Student Services and this concern will be picked up..
Pastoral Support & Safeguarding Officer
The Pastoral Support & Safeguarding Officer has a variety of roles within the Pastoral team. The Pastoral Support & Safeguarding Officer works within school allocating support resources, meets some students individually or in small groups and also liaises with or refers to external agencies.
Year 6/7 Transition
Mrs Clarke works alongside the Heads of House to assist with the transition of students from primary school to secondary school. She also acts as the school's Thrive Co-ordinator.
Health Concerns
The School Nurse is Maria Donovan. Any health needs or concerns can be communicated to her using any of the following contact details
Email: or
Tel: 01761 408111
Mobile: 0796 7837191
She is attached to several schools so it would be good to identify that your child is a student at Chew Valley School.
Virgin Care school nursing website -
More Complex Difficulties
Sometimes young people can be overwhelmed by a number of problems all happening at the same time. When we have concerns about mental well-being we will talk to parents about making a referral to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. In other cases we may gather a ‘Team Around the Child’ which may involve a number of agencies with expertise to support complex problems. We would always involve parents in referrals of this sort.
Out of Hours Help
In addition to the Emergency Services (phone 999) and your local GP, there are other organisations which can provide immediate help:
Childline is a 24/7 service on 0800 1111
Samaritans can be contacted on 0117 983 1000
A list of resources for parents is gathered on the "Helping Your Child" page under the Parents tab on this site or in the Help pages in the student planner.