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Year 6 Transition Information

Hello my name is Mrs Clarke and I would like to introduce myself as Year 6/7 Transition Co-ordinator.

Your child will be moving from being the oldest in school to the youngest. They may be moving with friends and classmates from primary or they may not know anyone that is coming to Chew Valley School.

For all children there will be a lot to take in and to learn, particularly in the first few weeks.  I visit primary schools and get to see a lot of the students who will be coming to Chew Valley School in their primary environments. I answer their questions and hopefully alleviate many worries.  Part of my role within the school is to help the Year 7s  settle, to ensure that they are actively involved in all aspects of school life and have a great experience.  I will be present at the start of each day, during break and lunchtime in the Year 7 area.