KS4 Health and Social Care
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What do you study?
You will study a Level 2 Cambridge National Certificate in Health and Social Care. You will learn how to use effective communication skills, plan a health campaign to tackle issues such as obesity and learn the values of care that health and social care workers need to uphold. The exam is worth 40% of the course and there are two coursework modules which are worth 30% each. The care values unit explores how to protect individuals in various care settings and learn about the impact of life events.
Why study Health & Social Care?
Health, Social and Child Care are key industries in our society. This course is designed to provide an excellent understanding of the issues and ideas within the field, as well as giving you a taste of what it would be like working in these areas. You will develop a range of skills which will help you to become an independent worker, valued by employers and higher education.
The Cambridge National is a vocational course, providing a direct route into studying the Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Health & Social Care (offered at Chew Valley School for post-16 students), Level 3 apprenticeships or employment, as well as being accepted as a qualification to pursue A-Levels.
How is the course assessed?
Level 2 Cambridge National Certificate - there are two elements. Graded 1-9 with 9 being the highest.
Coursework and Examination
Assessed through Years 10 and 11 - 60% Coursework Portfolio (two units)
Assessed at the end of Year 11 - 40% Examination (one unit).