Key Stage 4
Our Key Stage 4 curriculum starts in Year 10 with students being offered 4 options choices.
The curriculum is a combination of subjects that have to be studied (the Core Curriculum) and subjects students can choose to study (Optional). The Core Curriculum is:
- English & English Literature
- Maths
- Science
- PE
- Personal, Social and Health Education (SE)
- Philosophy and Ethics (RE)
These subjects develop the skills that are essential for all careers and for helping you young people thrive in the modern world.
What are the different qualifications on offer?
- GCSEs cater for all students. In most cases all students sit the same exam papers at the end of their courses. Yet for some subjects; Maths, MFL and Science 'tiered' papers exist.
- All GCSEs are graded from 9-1 (with 9 being the highest).
Applied Qualifications
Applied qualifications (sometimes called “vocational” qualifications) offer an alternative to GCSE. They have a greater proportion of continuous assessment than GCSEs, although they do have an examined element.
- BTEC qualifications are work-related programmes of study designed to accommodate the needs of employers in skills-based industries.
- Cambridge Nationals are vocationally-related qualifications that take an engaging, practical and inspiring approach to learning and assessment.
The English Baccalaureate
The English Baccalaureate is a Government standard awarded to any student achieving 9-5 (or equivalent) in five separate elements:
- GCSE English Language
- Two Science GCSEs (either separate Sciences, or Combined Science. Computer Science also counts as a Science for the English Baccalaureate)
- GCSE Mathematics
- History or Geography GCSE
- A Modern Foreign Language GCSE (French or Spanish)
The subjects included in the English Baccalaureate are designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to study a broad core of subjects, ensuring that doors are not closed off to you in terms of future progression.
Options Nomination
The majority of our options are a free choice. However, some options will be decided by subject teachers based on achievement in Years 7 to 9. These include:
Science Science set is decided by prior attainment in Science assessments throughout Key Stage 3. The majority of students study for two GCSEs in Combined Science. The highest attaining students follow a Triple Science course studying for separate GCSEs in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. For more details see our Science pages. Please note that the number of triple groups does vary from year to year.
PE We offer two PE qualifications which vary in suitability based on variety and number of sports students participate in. PE staff will place students on the most appropriate course (GCSE PE or Cambridge National Sport) based on prior attainment and participation in PE and Sport.