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KS3 Modern Languages

French and Spanish Overview

Year 7 Units

Term 1


Greetings, alphabet, family members, physical description, basic opinions.

Assessment: Listening.

Term 2


Alphabet, places, where you live, numbers, birthday, likes/dislikes/justifications, revisiting of previous context. 

Assessment: Reading.

Term 3

The Natural World

Pets, colours, farm/wild animals, colours, environmental surroundings, weather.

Assessment: Speaking.

Term 4


Subjects, opinions, time, comparisons, revisiting of previous contexts.

Assessment: Writing.

Term 5


Uniform, rules, daily routines, revisiting of previous contexts.

Assessment: End of Y7 exam (reading, writing and grammar).

Term 6


My town, countries, compass points, directions, nationalities, languages, music, typical cuisine, festivals, revisiting of previous contexts.

Year 8 Units

Term 1

Rest and Relaxation

Recap of descriptions, sports and free time activities, present tense, future plans using the near future tense, frequency phrases.

Assessment: Speaking.

Term 2


Countries, destinations, weather.

Assessment: Writing.

Term 3

Pocket Money and Chores

Family, daily routines, time, numbers.

Assessment: Reading.

Term 4

Eating and Drinking

National food, restaurants, buying food, comparisons with Britain.

Assessment: Listening.

Term 5


Shops, colours, clothing.

Assessment: Grammar and vocabularly.

Term 6

Broadening your Horizons

Film studies, celebrations, fiestas, cultural events.

Year 9 Units

Term 1

Jobs and Future Plans

School subjects, post-16 jobs.

Assessment: Reading.

Term 2  

Film and TV

TV programme.

Assessment: Speaking. 

Term 3

Music and Technology

Musical instructions, types of music, opinions.

Assessment: Writing.

Term 4

Healthy Living

Food & drink, smoking and drinking, exercise.

Assessment: Listening.

Term 5


Family members, social plans.

Assessment: Grammar.

Term 6

Environmental and Global Issues

Problems and solutions, revisiting all grammar points.